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Deciding Between Native and Cross-Platform App Development: Making the Right Choice

If you're keen on launching a mobile app, one of the most important decisions to make is choosing between native and cross-platform app development.

Choosing between native or cross platform is one of the most important decisions in any mobile app project. This one choice will have a significant impact on how the app is designed, what technologies were used to make it, and ultimately who can use it. In this article, we'll explore both native and cross-platform app development, the pros and cons of each, its factors, and the difference between native and cross-platform app development.

What is native app development?

The term "native mobile app development" describes the process of creating an app specifically for one platform. The app is built with programming languages and tools that are specific to a single native platform, iOS and Android.

Native application development delivers an exceptional user experience as they are generally high performers. The user experience is also enhanced as the visuals are tailored to the platform's UX. The biggest advantage is that they can optimize and use the features of the latest technology of the device, like GPS, camera, and gravity sensor.

Pros of native app development

Broad functionality

Every tool and API that the platform you're working on offers will be available to you. Technically, there is no limit on how the programmers could work with the new app. On the platform, programmers are not restricted in any way. It is the best choice for advanced and complex mobile apps as it works without an internet connection.

High security

In comparison to other platforms, native applications have shown to be more secure. They are based on basic programming languages of the platform like JavaScript, HTML5, etc., which makes them more secure and reliable than others. It has several features like multi-factor authentication, control over platform management, and proactive security upgrades that make it extra secure.

Better store support

Native apps have better compatibility with iOS and Android apps, making it easier to launch in the App Store. Since the majority of the apps available in Google Play and the Apple App Store are Native-based, these two platforms favor native apps. So, developing a Native app can help you get it into the App Store easily, which ultimately leads to more downloads and more promotion for your brand.

High speed and performance

High performance is the result of the code's direct communication with the underlying resources. Apps built on Cloud Native are very fast due to their platform-specific characteristics and have high performance in terms of responsiveness and functionality. They can only be created utilizing fundamental programming languages and APIs, which makes this feasible. Because the device's processing power is fully used, loading times are reduced.

Cons of native app development

Costly development

When you need to deploy your mobile application on both iOS and Android, building native mobile apps may get expensive. This calls for the deployment of two teams using various platforms.

You have two apps to engage more users, so the effort is worthwhile in the end. Compared to cross-platform app development, the overall expense of native app development would be around 30-40% more. So, choose carefully.


Native mobile app development is time-consuming as the work done for one platform cannot be duplicated for another. Instead, a separate team is needed to work on the other version.

You won't spend more than you can afford, though, if you manage your time and purchases well.

What is cross-app platform development?

Cross-platform development is the process of creating an app that works on several platforms. This is done by using tools like React Native, Xamarin, and Flutter, where the app created can be deployed on both Android and iOS. Although cross-platform app development reduces costs and time, you run the risk of compromising quality in the process. 

For simple applications that must be quickly deployed or developed on a limited budget, cross-platform apps are the best option. 

Prons of cross platform app development

Less costly

Only one development team is required for cross-platform mobile development. They must be familiar with the selected framework. The app expands its audience in order to gain traction and test the market.

Rapid development

An app that works across platforms may be developed in just one cross-platform development cycle. You may expedite the time to market by increasing productivity and reusing code. The way that apps are tested as they are being developed has also been improved by cross-platform frameworks.

Ease of maintenance:

It is challenging for developers to add new features and update the app because of various code bases. When it comes to maintenance and updating, cross-platform app development is preferable as it takes less time and a single code base makes it easy to update all the apps on other platforms simultaneously, resulting in hassle-free maintenance and quick updates.

Cons of cross platform app development

Limited functionality

Cross-platform apps are more affordable and developed more quickly, but this comes at a cost because they are unluckily less feature-rich than native apps. Also, some Android or iOS-specific features may not be accessible.

Low performance

Since the code is customized for several operating systems and devices, more effort is required to make a cross-platform software operate as smoothly as a native app. Further testing of the program is also advised because using it with various devices may cause compatibility problems or malfunctions.

Factors to Consider When Choosing Between Native and Cross-platform App Development

It's important to carefully analyze a number of aspects that may affect your decision while picking between native and cross-platform app development. The following are some essential considerations.

Target audience

The optimal development strategy must be chosen after carefully considering your target audience. Take into account the platforms your target market prefers to use and what they anticipate in terms of usability, performance, and design. Cross-platform development may be a more cost-effective option if your audience is equally split between iOS and Android.

Platform coverage

Evaluate the platforms you want your app to be available on. Native app development can be a preferable option if you are just interested in one platform. Cross-platform development, however, might help you save time and money if you want to target several different systems.


Native apps generally offer better performance due to their platform-specific optimizations. If your app relies heavily on device features, hardware, or high-performance capabilities, native development might be the preferred option.

User experience and design

Native app development provides for adherence to platform-specific design principles and user interface components, guaranteeing a consistent and intuitive user experience. If offering a high-quality user experience is a major priority, native development can be the preferable solution.

Development time and cost

Cross-platform development can save time and resources due to its shared codebase, making it an attractive option if you’re working with a limited budget or tight deadlines. However, it's crucial to balance any performance or user experience trade-offs against the potential savings.

Available resources and skillsets

Consider the skills and expertise of your development team or the mobile app development firm you plan to work with. If your team has experience with a specific platform or framework, it may be more efficient to leverage their existing knowledge and skills.

Scalability and maintainability

Analyze your app's long-term objectives, taking into account platform support, prospective upgrades, and new features. Cross-platform apps may be expanded and maintained more simply owing to their shared codebase, but native apps may take more work to maintain and update due to different codebases.

In conclusion, when choosing between native and cross-platform app development, it’s crucial to carefully consider factors such as target audience, platform coverage, performance, user experience, development time and cost, available resources, and long-term scalability and maintainability. You can choose the best strategy for your app development needs by carefully weighing these factors.

Native vs. Cross-Platform App Development

There are many situations where native apps excel over cross-platform apps, and vice versa. Carefully considering your audience, budget, development schedule, performance and security requirements, and other factors will aid in the decision-making process.

Let's examine a few factors to take into account when deciding which development methodology to employ..

Time to market

For new product lines and businesses, this is a prevalent worry. Ship the product as quickly as possible to start obtaining relevant user feedback. The ideal option in this situation would be to create a cross-platform software because it is simple to design and iterate. Native mobile development would take longer to complete and be more difficult to maintain, which would eventually result in a longer time to market.


You must take into account the company's reputation as well as the effects of losing the confidence of your customers. For some mobile app categories, like banking apps, the dangers might be quite significant. Native mobile development would be a superior option in these circumstances. It offers a wide range of built-in security measures, such as intelligent fraud detection utilizing certain OS libraries and file encryption. Native apps offer higher security, stability, and scalability, even while cross-platform mobile development is perfect for getting the app to market more quickly.


Mobile apps might have significant computational needs - especially for gaming. For apps that demand enhanced performance, native mobile development is typically the best choice. In this case, using cross-platform frameworks would demand additional labor and knowledge of native apps. By tuning your program's performance for a specific operating system, you can make sure it runs as effectively and efficiently as possible.

Development costs

Some businesses might spend more money than others on creating mobile apps. Cross-platform apps are better for cheaper budgets because they require a smaller team to develop. Cross-platform development also allows you to keep costs in check by reusing your code and projects.


There is no better or worse option when contrasting the creation of native versus cross-platform apps. Depending on the nature and purpose of the app, an organization's budget, timetable, desired presence and resources, and other factors may be crucial choices. Therefore, selecting the best course of action is more crucial than selecting the correct option.

One must carefully consider all of the options to achieve this.

If you are looking for help regarding native and cross-platform apps in the UK, Codezee Solutions is here to help you solve your problems and provide you with the best mobile app development services at budget-friendly costs


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